  • Samaritan Hospital, Watertown, NY
  • 海狸湖
  • 皮划艇
  • 伊利运河步道


The Department is excited to continue expanding our award-winning community track residency program to sites across Central New York hospitals. At the start of the 2023-2024 Academic year, we will have 15 residents at 7 different CNY hospitals. The community track residents will spend 2 months per year in the first 2 years and 1 day a week in the third and fourth years of training at their respective community sites. While rotating at their rural sites, the resident is supervised by 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 and on-site faculty; the resident will tele-commute to all classes and 会诊 while assigned to their site. The community track residents share all learning and didactic experiences with their peers at 推荐最近最火的赌博软件.

After completing their residency training, the community track graduate will work for five years at these community facilities as an on-site supervisor, 教er in the community curriculum, and spend 1 day a month at 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 to strengthen relationships, 担任委员会成员, 教, 在研究上进行合作. By adding other community track graduates to this program, there will be a vibrant and growing group of superbly trained faculty at hospitals in New York State's rural communities, which will become sites for excellent 教ing, clinical innovation and research. While faculty will remain close to 推荐最近最火的赌博软件, they will be actively invested in serving their communities.  

Requirements for the community track are the same as our general training track with the exception of Visa sponsorship.  The community track program cannot accept Visas at this time, so all applicants for this track must be citizens or Green Card holders..

For more information on rural training, please review the attached 给编辑的信,  written by our own faculty, published on-line in Psychiatric Services, December 2014.