  • 上州遗传学项目
  • 上州遗传学项目
  • 上州遗传学项目
  • 上州遗传学项目

北州癌症中心 遗传程序

谷歌地图 & 方向
电话: 315 464-3510
传真: 315 464-3517

The 北州癌症中心 遗传程序 provides genetic counseling and related services to individuals and families with or at risk for hereditary cancer, 比如乳腺癌, 结肠癌, 前列腺癌, 胰腺癌, kidney cancer among other cancers.

Hereditary risk for cancer and why it's important for you to know

Most cancers do not have a hereditary cause. 然而, 在一些家庭中, a hereditary gene alteration increases a person’s likelihood of developing certain cancers. Individuals and family members at increased risk for cancer may benefit from earlier screening and/or ways to reduce risk.

What is Cancer 遗传咨询?

遗传 counseling is an educational and support process that provides hereditary cancer risk assessment based on detailed medical and family history, information about genetic testing, and cancer risk management options.

Is 遗传咨询 right for you?

If you have a personal or close family history of at least one of the following, you may wish to consider genetic counseling.

Please note that this provides examples and does not include all indications for a genetic consultation. It is important that you review your family history with your doctor.

  • A known hereditary cancer risk gene alteration in the family.
  • A person with cancer at an earlier age than is typical, 比如乳房, 结肠, 子宫, or kidney cancer under age 50.
  • A person with more than one new (primary) tumor. This includes someone with cancer in both of paired organs (bilateral) such as both breasts or both kidneys, or a person with more than one primary cancer in the same or different organs.
  • A person with certain or rare cancers or tumors, 比如卵巢癌, 胰腺癌, 男性乳腺癌, 甲状腺髓样癌, 高危前列腺癌, 副神经节瘤.
  • A person with excessive 结肠 polyps (growths in the large bowel).
  • A family with more than one close blood relative from the same side of the family with a similar type of cancer or cancers spanning multiple generations.
  • A combination of certain cancers in the family which may be suggestive of an inherited cancer gene. This is not always obvious and should be discussed with your physician.
  • Ashkenazi (Eastern European) Jewish ancestry and a personal or family history of breast, 卵巢, 胰腺, 高危前列腺癌.